Kayden's Adventure

"How do you destroy an entire human civilization in Kayden's adventure?"

Confronting them directly is just one way of doing it. Another popular approach is more "cheeky", as exemplified by Kayden's Adventure.

"Come and see why  human is screaming."

*Player can connect your amplifier to your computer to get a better gaming experience.

Operational Key

Shift ↦ Fire

A ↦ Move backwards

D ↦ Move forwards

Blank Key ↦ Jump

*Player can double click the Blank Key to achieve a double jump

*Some levels can be clicked the Blank Key more than twice to achieve multiple jumps


Kayden's Adventure v1.4.1 (Mac).app.zip 44 MB
Kayden's Adventure v1.4.1 (windows).zip 45 MB